A Real Solar Powered Web Site

We are proud to use the warm power of the sun and solar panels to power the servers that host The Anhinga Roost.. The website server is powered directly by sustainable, renewable energy. This means that we are reducing the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases produced by our energy system.

We use the solar powered web servers in North Americas that is a 100% solar powered data center. No greenhouse gases are produced to power these servers. This is NOT a regular utlitiy company server that buys into the "carbon credits" while maintaining coal and other power sources. The solar panel system that powers this data center will eliminate the production of:

  • 19,890 lbs of Carbon Dioxide (CO2/GHG) per year
  • 5.9 lbs of Nitrous Oxide (NOX/smog) per year
  • 0.45 lbs of Sulfur Dioxide (SO4/acid rain) per year

The data center, located in Romoland, California just 120 miles East of Los Angeles is fully secured and monitored 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It is equipped with a backup generator that runs on propane gas. Propane gas is cleaner burning than diesel, which is found at most other hosting companies. The generator is for emergency use only and is tested weekly. The servers are also connected to the conventional energy grid that serves as a second back-up system and has never been called upon.

DC power from the solar panel feed is stored in battery banks. A large APC UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) system also provides power backup and conditions the power supply protecting equipment from voltage fluctuations and spikes.

Solar Powered Web Hosting available thru DIHOSTING.NET clear10